Vividizer Installation Guide

Vividizer: BACCH Laboratories, Inc.

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VIVIDIZER Product Page

Explore the Vividizer

Experience games, movies, and music like never before.

Try it for 14 days or Buy Now for $39.99 (Promotional Price).

Start a trial and try it with full functionality for 14 days. Note: This is paid software!

Steps to Install

  1. Download the trial or purchase the product if you liked the demo.
    Download Trial
  2. Download the accessible NVDA package.
    Accessibility Update

    The update should ensure that the slider is correctly recognized by NVDA. If issues persist, use keyboard navigation (TAB/SHIFT+TAB, SPACE, ARROWS).

  3. Change your NVDA audio output so that it's set directly to your headphones or speakers, not Microsoft Sound Mapper. If you have many audio devices, such as virtual lines, you may lose speech if you don't change your output.
  4. Install the first file you downloaded. Do not open the app after the wizard finishes.
  5. Install the accessibility update. A Windows UWP installer will appear—click "Install".
  6. Open the app. The title bar will be blank. You might be asked for a license. Click "Start Trial" or enter your license, and the app will finish opening.

App Interface Overview

This is a very simple screen:

Optimizing for Mist World

To properly use Vividizer with Mist World: